(Live Project)
Enabling an AI-driven Public Sector
Enable regional and local governments to lead AI-driven policies supporting the digital transformation of their territories
(Live Project)
CItizen & ciVIc inclusion & digital Transformation of public dEcision-
Citizen and civic inclusion and the digital transformation of public decision-making processes
(Live Project)
Ecosystems for Extended-lifetime of End-of-Use Electrical and Electron
Increasing the capacities of regions to give citizens the first option of reuse, repair and refurbishment of EEE in NWE
(Completed Project)
Catalysing Regions in Peripheral and Emerging Europe towards Digital I
Exploring the creation of living Digital Innovation Ecosystems in Europe's regions
(Completed Project)
Enhancing Rural and Urban Digital Innovation Territories
Co-developing e-services through open innovation to meet the real needs of rural and urban Europe