CItizen & ciVIc inclusion & digital Transformation of public dEcision-

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CIVITEC  =  CItizen & ciVIc inclusion & digital Transformation of public dEcision-
Citizen and civic inclusion and the digital transformation of public decision-making processes
Funding Programme Logo
Project Status: Live Project
Project Leader: Jose Manuel San Emeterio
EU Programme: Interreg Europe (2021-2027)
Project Budget:  €2,020,864
Start Date:  Apr, 2024
Finish Date:  Apr, 2027
Project Website:
The aim of the project is to:

To improve policies for making democracy more participatory, inclusive and responsive using new and emerging ICTs, tools and processes (Civic Tech) allied to open and inclusive participatory processes

Specific objectives are to:
  • Reinforce the transparency, accountability, and capacity of local government through participatory processes that involve the targeted of Civic Tech as well as improvements in the strategies and process methodologies
  • Increase citizen and stakeholder participation in decision making and policy implementation processes
Cyprus, Cyprus
Nicosia Development Agency    (Lead Partner)
This Agency will be in charge of the project and finance management.

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Achaia, Greece
Computer Technology Institute and Press Diophantus   (Partner)
This Greek education and research institution will participate as a project partner.

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Andalucia, Spain
Jaen County Council   (Partner)
Spanish local public authority participating as a project partner.

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Donegal, Ireland
ERNACT Network   (Partner)
Lead partner on communication and dissemination activities of the project.

Jose Manuel San Emeterio
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Donegal, Ireland
Donegal County Council   (Partner)
Irish public local authority participating as a project partner.

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Epirus, Greece
Municipality of Preveza   (Partner)
Local public authority in Greece participating as a project partner.

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Harju County, Estonia
Viimsi Municipality Government   (Partner)
Local public authority from Estonia participating as a project partner.

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Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Regional Development Agency of Ivano-Frankivsk Region   (Partner)
Regional Development Agency of Ivano-Frankivsk Region of Ukraine will be a Discovery Partner of CIVITEC project.

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Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ministry for Public Administration   (Partner)
Slovenian national public authority participating as a project partner.

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Nièvre, France
Nièvre County Council   (Partner)
French local public authority working in the project as a partner.

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Nièvre, France
Nièvre Numérique   (Partner)
Core ERNACT member French local public authority will participate as a project partner in CIVITEC.

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Prekmurje region, Slovenia
Development Agency Sinergija   (Partner)
The Slovenian agency will participate in CIVITEC as a project partner.

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Varna, Bulgaria
Business Agency Association   (Partner)
Bulgarian business support organisation participating as a project partner.

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Varna, Bulgaria
Varna Municipality   (Partner)
Bulgarian local public authority participating as a project partner.

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The use of civic technology or Civic Tech is improving civic engagement and public participation in decision making processes from local to national levels and the development and delivery of new co-created strategies and policies. This implies numerous changes in the relationships between the citizens and public institutions, by reinvigorating democratic processes and encouraging citizens to actively participate in various forms of democratic engagement.

Civic Tech encompasses new and emerging ICTs, tools and processes that enable greater citizen/community participation in a free and democratic society. The main types of civic technology addressed by the project falls under the following categories:
  1. citizen to citizen (C2C): tech improving citizen mobilisation or connections between citizens
  2. citizen to government (C2G): tech improving the frequency and quality of interactions between the citizens and public institutions

Core ERNACT regions
Newfoundland & Labrador
South Ostrobothnia
Upper Franconia
West Romania
Derry & Strabane
United Kingdom