Disruptive technologies implementation plan in Donegal
Donegal - ERNACT Network
Directed at public authorities, this is a plan whose purpose
is to provide guidance to Donegal County Council on how to introduce disruptive
technologies into their services provision. It is a digital transformation initiative and it is innovative because involves...
Directed at public authorities, this is a plan whose purpose
is to provide guidance to Donegal County Council on how...
Disruptive technologies implementation plan in North Karelia
North Karelia - Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Directed at public authorities, this is a plan whose purpose is to provide guidance to Karelia County Council on how to introduce disruptive technologies into their services provision. It is a digital transformation initiative and it is innovative because involves the...
Directed at public authorities, this is a plan whose purpose is to provide guidance to Karelia County Council on how to...
Disruptive technologies implementation plan in Västerbotten
Västerbotten - Umeå University
Directed at public
authorities, this is a plan whose purpose is to provide guidance to County
Administrative Board of Västerbotten County on how to introduce disruptive
technologies into their services provision. It is a digital transformation
initiative and...
Directed at public
authorities, this is a plan whose purpose is to provide guidance to County
Administrative Board of...