Emerging technologies for greener communities

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EMERGREEN  =  Emerging technologies for greener communities
Using digital technologies and user participative development models to develop greener and sustainable communities
Funding Programme Logo
Project Status: Completed
Project Leader: DELETE DELETE
EU Programme: Northern Periphery and Arctic (2014-2020)
Project Budget:  €1,592,723
Start Date:  Oct, 2018
Finish Date:  Jun, 2022
Project Website:
The aim of the project is to:

Greener communities in remote areas by bringing new innovative models for participative, user-centred, quality and sustainable public services.

Specific objectives are to:
  • Introduce new emerging technologies that assist the provision of public services aimed to foster greener communities.
  • Find new sustainable business models for services provision based on new emerging technologies and shared solutions.
  • Serve as demonstrators for future adoption by other regions or service areas.
Donegal, Ireland
ERNACT Network   (Lead Partner)
Overall project management, communications and reporting to European Commission

Jose Manuel San Emeterio
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Donegal, Ireland
ERNACT Network   (Lead Partner)
Overall project management, communications and reporting to European Commission

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Belfast, United Kingdom
Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful   (Associate)
Learning from the work of the project with a view to implementing new services

Ian Humphreys
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Derry & Strabane, United Kingdom
Derry City & Strabane District Council   (Partner)
Project Partner

Anne Carlin
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Derry & Strabane, United Kingdom
Rural Area Partnership in Derry Ltd   (Associate)
Associate partner to Derry City & Strabane District Council

Philip O'Kane
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Donegal, Ireland
Donegal County Council   (Partner)
Project Partner

Daragh McDonough
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
Umhvørvisstovan (Environment Agency)   (Partner)
Project Partner

Bjarti Thomsen
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Galway, Ireland
University of Galway   (Partner)
Project Partner

Adegboyega Ojo
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Helsinki, Finland
University of Helsinki   (Partner)
Project Partner

Toni Ryynanen
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Helsinki, Finland
City of Mikkeli   (Associate)
learning from the work of the project with a view to implementing new services

Aki Kauranen
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Västernorrland, Sweden
Regional Council of Västernorrland   (Partner)
Regional expertise in development of technology-led models to develop greener and sustainable communities

Marta Bystrowska
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Västernorrland, Sweden
ALAV   (Associate)
Associate Partner on EMERGREEN Project (Västernorrland, Sweden)

Jennie Olofsson
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Results coming from previous experiences demonstrate that approaches where the community is a key participant, are a very effective way of delivering more effective public services that respond to real demands. Nevertheless, additional factors should be considered to address the challenges faced by the NPA regions. Among them we identify:

  1. Need of establishing a wider range of user-friendly channels for the community to access and participate in the co-production process. There’s not one solution that fits everybody.
  2. Exploration of new models based on cooperation and open shared solutions to ensure quality and sustainable services.
  3. Opportunity to introduce new emerging technologies assisting the public services provision and test their impact and viability within this changing landscape.
EMERGREEN addresses these challenges by bringing new innovative models for participative, user-centred, quality and sustainable public services aiming greener communities in remote areas.

A common approach involving the relevant stakeholders will be followed by the partnership to test different emerging technologies in the provision of green growth type of public services in the 5 participating regions including marine litter and zero waste circular management, green growth advisory services, intelligent green participation and real time visualisation of climate data.

In doing so, a transnational platform making the services accessible on a transboundary basis will be set up with the vision to be expanded and host other technology-led public services from other NPA regions and service areas.

Core ERNACT regions
Newfoundland & Labrador
South Ostrobothnia
Upper Franconia
West Romania
Derry & Strabane
United Kingdom