Deliver a network of digital innovation hubs to support local communities, SME's, start-ups, remote workers. Pursue collaboration between Donegal Hubs. Develop advanced tech exposure & digital capacity of SME's & communities via the Hubs.
Blue Ocean
Open Innovation Test Beds
Develop "living labs" in the key areas of Advanced Manufacturing, Public Services (Energy, Public Planning service) Blue Ocean and Tourism and Culture (VR). Leverage the Digital Hubs network (Blue Economy in Killybegs; VR in Gaoth Dobhair,....
Blue Ocean
Grow Existing ICT SME Cluster
Improve the level of business between Donegal's existing small ICT companies and other sectors.
Blue Ocean
Life & Health Sciences
Improve support for introduction of Advanced manufacturing techniques into relevant sectors in Donegal. Identify companies who can benefit and bring I4.0 to them.
Blue Ocean
Establish a mechanism to systematically collect, organise and exploit public sector open innovation data, with a focus on energy, environment and tourism data in 2021
Transform Traditional SMEs
Focus support interventions to assist non-digital SME's to adopt the more advanced disruptive technologies (e.g., online selling)
Blue Ocean
Life & Health Sciences
ATU to work with the public and private sectors in the County for demonstration & piloting of disruptive digital technology, aimed at potential entrepreneurs and existing companies
Blue Ocean
Stimulate Digital Startups
Promote emerging disruptive technologies and local research projects to inspire local entrepreneurs as well as Digital entrepreneurs amongst diaspora
Blue Ocean
Life & Health Sciences
Implement the actions in Donegal's Remote Working Strategy to increase the number of digital remote workers, entrepreneurs, startups and existing tech companies with a presence in the County.
Blue Ocean
Life & Health Sciences
Establish or adapt innovation ecsosystems to support digital transformation initiatives in the current or emerging context
Blue Ocean
Life & Health Sciences