Digital Transformation and Smart Specialisation
Find out more about digital transformation and smart specialisation priorities of the ERNACT regions

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  Digital Support SMEs  
   Digital Foundations
Advanced Broadband
Upper Franconia : Promote broadband expansion politically and in practice
Digital Skills
West Romania : Upgrade of Tier 1 & 2 (Automotive) + vocational training in emerging industries; DIH, EEN - upskiling to exploit ICT technologies in all smart specialisation sectors and boost digital transformation of SMEs;
San Sebastián : Digital training programmes (wide range of webinars on digital marketing, blockchain, ecommerce, artificial intelligence)
Digital Research
West Romania : E-Austria Research & Development (ICT Center of excelence); Vest University of Timisoara, Polytechnic Univeristy, regional mutinationals, ETA2U innovation and Technology Transfer Center
San Sebastián : Facilitation for the local growth with the local innovation ecosystem
Upper Franconia : Knowledge transfer, training, and research with regional business and stakeholders within the fields of: AI VR AR Robotics Interaction design Hypertext (information & knowledge management) Market research Product testing Use of digitalisation tech
   Smart City & Region
Smart Energy
Upper Franconia : Energy supply Energy efficiency Hydrogen applications Air-conditioning and cooling applications Municipal heat planning
Mobility as a Service
Ljubljana : Mobility in smart cities and smart villages concepts.
Public Services
Ljubljana : All kind of digital public services
Intelligent Infrastructure
Upper Franconia : Public services
Spatial Planning
   Digital Innovation
Open Data
West Romania : ICT Cluster. RDA West, public-private partnerships
Open Innovation Test Beds
West Romania : Development of centers of competences at county level covering entire West Region; Support the development of regional test beds of stakeholders (i.e Nokia Garage)
Digital Innovation Hubs
West Romania : Start-up Hubs (Digital - Large Tech); CIT Cluster, Competence Centers, Innovation Agency
Ljubljana : Continue the development of 4PDIH
San Sebastián : PIA, ENERTIC, Talent House 2
Upper Franconia : Establishment and support of an AI user centre Use, strenghthen existing setups
Stimulate Digital Startups
Upper Franconia : Give incentives and help potential founders in the academic environment to implement their ideas
Industry 4.0
West Romania : Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) cooperation (test before invest, good practices, case studies)
Ljubljana : Special focus to automotive industry due to distruptions in EU.
Research Procurement
West Romania : ICT Cluster
University in Innovation
West Romania : Digital Innovation Hub, Regional Innovation Agency
Grow Existing ICT SME Cluster
San Sebastián : Smart Kalea, Urban transformation, Digital Dendak
West Romania : Support SMEs explore new business mdoels, new applications of latest technologies (ie.AI)
Upper Franconia : Strengthen and exchange between existing networks in the areas: *IT managers *Local and district heating *Refrigeration technology
Transform Traditional SMEs
Upper Franconia : Glass industry Ceramics industry Artistry Pottery Textiles Bakeries
Circular Economy
West Romania : Pilot projects and test beds for ICT technologies that enable circular economy business models
Remote Working
Innovation ecosystems
West Romania : Networks, open innovation, challenges, technology transfers; good practices in build capacity of regional ecosystem to enable innovation
Upper Franconia : Sponge region & Smart cities AI centres connect existing clusters
   Digital Transformation Technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Ljubljana : Applicative use of AI in smart cities and smart villages - AI ethics research, new digital skills to broaden economic inclusivity (Mapping approaches, needs of regions, industry sectors, society), AI in health, education, public services,...
Data Analytics
Ljubljana : Data analytics for better desicion making. Also in the public sector: health, education, energy, environment, transportation...
Upper Franconia : Promote alternatives to conventional commuter traffic in rural regions Avoiding waste in production processes derive analyses from health and disease data and help rare diseases both migraine and headache patients
West Romania : Research & Development (Automotive), Fintech (Digital - Large Tech)
Ljubljana : - Cybersecurity for the companies and municipalities - public services. - 5G private testbed infrastructure for experimentation, measurements, testing and verification of large-scale communications systems as well as services, security capabilities
Upper Franconia : Phishing attacks Software security DDoS Amplification, secure distributed systems Anonymisation services Vulnerability assessment Privacy
3D Printing
Virtual Reality (VR)
Internet of Things (IoT)
Core ERNACT regions
Newfoundland & Labrador
South Ostrobothnia
Upper Franconia
West Romania
Derry & Strabane
United Kingdom