Digital Transformation and Smart Specialisation
Find out more about digital transformation and smart specialisation priorities of the ERNACT regions

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   Digital Foundations
Advanced Broadband
Derry & Strabane : Work with government, telecommunication companies & academia to deliver the high speed broadband infrastructure needed for people & organisations: IoT network coverage, 5G Mobile, high speed for rural areas, local business
Donegal : Actively working to ensure that Donegal's businesses and citizens are connected at work and at home with fibre, public wi-fi and the latest mobile technologies.
West Romania : High-Performing Intranet, HPC
South Ostrobothnia : Companies responsible of building broadband; municipalities, farms
Upper Franconia : Promote broadband expansion politically and in practice
Digital Skills
Derry & Strabane : Work with schools, training bodies, industry and 3rd level institutions to highlight career opportunity, to improve the supply of skills and ensure the city is attracting & retaining workers with the required skills. Focus on youth.
Donegal : Establish a working group on training spearheaded by ATU Letterkenny and pursue set-up of a Donegal Training portal related to digital skills.
West Romania : Upgrade of Tier 1 & 2 (Automotive) + vocational training in emerging industries; DIH, EEN - upskiling to exploit ICT technologies in all smart specialisation sectors and boost digital transformation of SMEs;
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS and vocational educational and training (VET) organisations of the region (Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
Ljubljana : - Collaboration in Pact 4 Skills; Prediction of future skills needed; Programs for digital skills for companies, public administrators and local authorities. - Advanced ICT training, covering all the topics in this document in Ljubljana partner
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Metalic Transformation)
Digital Research
Derry & Strabane : Work with government, research bodies and industry to increase the level and quality of research in key sectoral areas
Donegal : Work with universities in West, North West and Northern Ireland to increase the supply of the relevant digital research needed to support smart specialisation and target economic sectors
West Romania : E-Austria Research & Development (ICT Center of excelence); Vest University of Timisoara, Polytechnic Univeristy, regional mutinationals, ETA2U innovation and Technology Transfer Center
Ljubljana : -6G use cases exploration for standardisation support, user/community need and pricing/reward mechanisms -Research equipment
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Chemistry & Metalic Transformation)
South Ostrobothnia : University Consortium of Seinäjoki (UCS) and Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (UAS); Digital factory
Upper Franconia : Knowledge transfer, training, and research with regional business and stakeholders within the fields of: AI VR AR Robotics Interaction design Hypertext (information & knowledge management) Market research Product testing Use of digitalisation tech
   Smart City & Region
Smart Energy
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Chemistry & Metalic Transformation)
Donegal : Transition to a low carbon economy via adoption of green technologies, smart energy management, renewables and energy efficiency
Upper Franconia : Energy supply Energy efficiency Hydrogen applications Air-conditioning and cooling applications Municipal heat planning
Mobility as a Service
South Ostrobothnia : Main responsibililty state and municipalities; RCSO, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Public Services
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Intelligent Infrastructure
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Upper Franconia : Public services
Spatial Planning
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, SO Wellbeing Services County, BDOs like Into Seinäjoki; SYKE (Finnish Environment Institiute) has open environment and spatial data available
   Digital Innovation
Open Data
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS and UCS, BDOs like Into Seinäjoki; RIS3 thematic netwooks of Agrifood; High Tech Farming, Traceability and Big Data, Smart Sensors, Food Systems
Ljubljana : Open data for smart public services on regional and national level.
Derry & Strabane : Develop an open data action plan to stimulate innovation & entrepreneurship
West Romania : ICT Cluster. RDA West, public-private partnerships
Open Innovation Test Beds
Derry & Strabane : Create highly visible spaces where companies can meet researchers and innovations. This is targeted at advanced manufacturing, creative digital and health & lifescience sectors
Donegal : Develop "living labs" in the key areas of Advanced Manufacturing, Public Services (Energy, Public Planning service) Blue Ocean and Tourism and Culture (VR). Leverage the Digital Hubs network (Blue Economy in Killybegs; VR in Gaoth Dobhair,....
West Romania : Development of centers of competences at county level covering entire West Region; Support the development of regional test beds of stakeholders (i.e Nokia Garage)
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk/ EDIH will develop to helpt to test before investing; IOT Compass Hub for manufacturing/SeAMK; Metaverse/SeAMK; Into, SeAMK/Food Lab
Ljubljana : This part can be covered in the DIH part.
Digital Innovation Hubs
Donegal : Deliver a network of digital innovation hubs to support local communities, SME's, start-ups, remote workers. Pursue collaboration between Donegal Hubs. Develop advanced tech exposure & digital capacity of SME's & communities via the Hubs.
West Romania : Start-up Hubs (Digital - Large Tech); CIT Cluster, Competence Centers, Innovation Agency
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seinäjoki UAS, business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki / Skaalaamo Start Up Hub Seinäjoki, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs, IOT Compass digital innovation hub
Ljubljana : Continue the development of 4PDIH
Derry & Strabane : Promote the City's network of Hubs/tech parks & improve their digital innovation capacity. Develop a network or rural innovation hubs to bring digital innovation & entrepreneurship to rural towns and villages
North West City Region : Develop and promote the regions digital hubs/tech parks & improve their innovation capacity
Stimulate Digital Startups
West Romania : Pilot Digilatisation (Automotive), Software Development (Digital - Large Tech). ADR Vest' s Pre-accelerator and Accelerator
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Chemistry & Metalic Transformation)
Derry & Strabane : Increase the number of spin-offs by technology transfer, collaboration between research centres & entrepreneurs, test-beds.
Donegal : Promote emerging disruptive technologies and local research projects to inspire local entrepreneurs as well as Digital entrepreneurs amongst diaspora
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk, Into and other BDOs, municipalities, businesses
Industry 4.0
Donegal : Improve support for introduction of Advanced manufacturing techniques into relevant sectors in Donegal. Identify companies who can benefit and bring I4.0 to them.
West Romania : Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) cooperation (test before invest, good practices, case studies)
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seinäjoki UAS / Digital Factory, VET organisations of the region (Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs , cluster and ecosystem
Ljubljana : Special focus to automotive industry due to distruptions in EU.
Derry & Strabane : Increase the number of local manufacturing companies piloting Industry 4.0 by collaboration with research centre such as CIDRA & developing living labs
North West City Region : Bring the resources of the region's technology providers to bear to develop the I4.0 capability of the region's SMEs
Upper Franconia : Production
Research Procurement
West Romania : ICT Cluster
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County
Ljubljana : This part can be covered in the DIH part.
Cantabria : Professionalisation (Life & Health Services, Food Production), New Research & Development Groups ( Manufacturing - Chemistry), Export/Import (Manufacturing - Metalic Transformation)
University in Innovation
West Romania : Digital Innovation Hub, Regional Innovation Agency
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk, UCS (together with BDOs ?)
Ljubljana : Support and increase knowledge transfer
Cantabria :
Derry & Strabane : Develop the links between the City's Research centres and local business to act as a catalyst and innovation enabler
Donegal : ATU to work with the public and private sectors in the County for demonstration & piloting of disruptive digital technology, aimed at potential entrepreneurs and existing companies
Grow Existing ICT SME Cluster
Donegal : Improve the level of business between Donegal's existing small ICT companies and other sectors.
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk and educational organisations of the region (VET Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
Cantabria : Process to Launch (Food Production), New Programme (Manufacturing -Chemistry )
Derry & Strabane : Implement an innovation programme to create more jobs, start-ups & new ventures via digital enterprises
Ljubljana : This can be joint with digital skills
West Romania : Support SMEs explore new business mdoels, new applications of latest technologies (ie.AI)
Transform Traditional SMEs
West Romania : Test new instruments/ develop new platforms (i.e continue initative to "Arome Proprii" Niche Pilot)
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk and educational organisations of the region (VET Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
Ljubljana : Based on the structure of the Slovene economy, this is very important for us.
Derry & Strabane : Stimulate adoption of digital transformation approaches by the traditional business sector by supportive interventions
Donegal : Focus support interventions to assist non-digital SME's to adopt the more advanced disruptive technologies (e.g., online selling)
Circular Economy
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seinäjoki UAS and VET organisations of the region (Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
West Romania : Pilot projects and test beds for ICT technologies that enable circular economy business models
Upper Franconia : Compostable packaging Wastewater treatment Anthropogenic water cycles Hydroponics & Acquaponics Sponge city & sponge region concepts Recycling of conventional and bio-based polymers CO2 and CH4 balances Energy saving concepts sustainable textile
Derry & Strabane : Work with businesses, community and social enterprise to create green jobs, increase skills and reduce waste.
Remote Working
South Ostrobothnia : Businesses and private organisations; UCS, Seamk and educational organisations of the region (VET Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities
West Romania : Enable talent valorisation within the region, enable cooperation among regions; develop capacities to capitalize on new workforce paradigms
Innovation ecosystems
Donegal : Establish or adapt innovation ecsosystems to support digital transformation initiatives in the current or emerging context
   Digital Transformation Technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS / Digital Factory, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health)
Ljubljana : Applicative use of AI in smart cities and smart villages - AI ethics research, new digital skills to broaden economic inclusivity (Mapping approaches, needs of regions, industry sectors, society), AI in health, education, public services,...
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Chemistry & Metalic Transformation)
Derry & Strabane : Capacity building / piloting to evaluate the implications of incorporating AI into public service development. Increase local AI/ML talent pool .
Upper Franconia : Multimodal AI assistants: Chat assistants that can also be controlled by normal conversation or gestures Transfer Ai skills
Data Analytics
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Chemistry & Metalic Transformation)
Donegal : Develop local talent pool. Increase understanding and capability of business and community.
Upper Franconia : Promote alternatives to conventional commuter traffic in rural regions Avoiding waste in production processes derive analyses from health and disease data and help rare diseases both migraine and headache patients
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Cantabria : Autonomous Vehicles (Blue Ocean, Manufacturing (Chemistry & Metalic Transformation)
Derry & Strabane : Develop initiatives, piloting between CIDRA and local businesses to increase awareness, skills and capability in Industry 4.0.
Upper Franconia : Programming side of robotics Skilled workers at logistics, production porcelain, and automotive suppliers
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk; companies (e.g. food sector)
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Metalic Transformation)
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk, Into and other BDOs, municipalities, services, businesses
Ljubljana : - Cybersecurity for the companies and municipalities - public services. - 5G private testbed infrastructure for experimentation, measurements, testing and verification of large-scale communications systems as well as services, security capabilities
Cantabria : Technical skill, cibersecurity regional centers.
Donegal : Develop local talent pool. Increase understanding and capabiltiy of business and community.
Upper Franconia : Phishing attacks Software security DDoS Amplification, secure distributed systems Anonymisation services Vulnerability assessment Privacy
3D Printing
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk, Into for business development, UCS, companies
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Metalic Transformation)
Upper Franconia : FabLab "MakerSpace"
Virtual Reality (VR)
Donegal : Develop VR/AR resources in the region and leverage to empower businesses and community to explore the potential benefits
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk/Metaverse, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Ljubljana : The use of VR in industry, health and education settings
Cantabria : Manufacturing (Metalic Transformation)
Upper Franconia : Application in production, learning environments Interactive designs Working in 3D space
Internet of Things (IoT)
Donegal : Develop IoT pilots within open data initiative for areas such as energy, environment and tourism.
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS / IOT Hub for manufacturing, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Ljubljana : Smart cities and smart villages contexts - digitalisation in agriculture, energy efficiency,...
Cantabria : New Factory Layouts (Automotive), Manufacturing (Chemistry & Metalic Transformation), Long Range Sensors (Food Production)
Core ERNACT regions
Newfoundland & Labrador
South Ostrobothnia
Upper Franconia
West Romania
Derry & Strabane
United Kingdom