Digital Transformation and Smart Specialisation
Find out more about digital transformation and smart specialisation priorities of the ERNACT regions

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  Public Services  
   Digital Foundations
Advanced Broadband
South Ostrobothnia : Companies responsible of building broadband; municipalities, farms
Gaeltacht : Cooperate with Ireland's national broadband plan to prioritise and maximise the rollout of high speed broadband in Gaeltacht areas listed in the plan.
Nièvre : Companies responsible for building infrastructure,
Upper Franconia : Promote broadband expansion politically and in practice
Digital Skills
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS and vocational educational and training (VET) organisations of the region (Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
Västernorrland : Increase supply of ICT & ebusiness skills; Attract more women & young people into ICT; Build awareness of potential to use ICT in other professions; Recognise digital competences in formal learning; raise awareness of eLearning as a reskilling tool.
Digital Research
Ljubljana : -6G use cases exploration for standardisation support, user/community need and pricing/reward mechanisms -Research equipment
South Ostrobothnia : University Consortium of Seinäjoki (UCS) and Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (UAS); Digital factory
Upper Franconia : Knowledge transfer, training, and research with regional business and stakeholders within the fields of: AI VR AR Robotics Interaction design Hypertext (information & knowledge management) Market research Product testing Use of digitalisation tech
   Smart City & Region
Smart Energy
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Derry & Strabane : Accelerate the transition to a carbon neutral City by leveraging ICT, green technologies, working with EU programmes, energy providers, public and private sector organisations.
Mobility as a Service
South Ostrobothnia : Main responsibililty state and municipalities; RCSO, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Ljubljana : Mobility in smart cities and smart villages concepts.
Derry & Strabane : Reduce vehicle traffic, congestion and carbon levels whilst improving transport experience for citizens
Public Services
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Ljubljana : All kind of digital public services
Västernorrland : Develop new modern public services that take advantage of disruptive technologies for communities and local areas
Gaeltacht : Identification of a range of digital services that can assist retention and expansion of the use of Irish in the home, school, work and community life. This can include language learning,
Nièvre : Nièvre County Council
Derry & Strabane : Develop and pilot smart city solutions using appropriate technology such IoT, Open data, AI, VR to create better public services
Intelligent Infrastructure
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County; BDOs like Into Seinäjoki
Derry & Strabane : Develop pilots across the district and act as an exemplar in areas such as smart parking, lighting, buildings management, waste management,crowd management, flood management
Nièvre : Nièvre County Council, Nevers Agglomération
Upper Franconia : Public services
Spatial Planning
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, SO Wellbeing Services County, BDOs like Into Seinäjoki; SYKE (Finnish Environment Institiute) has open environment and spatial data available
Derry & Strabane : Develop, incorporate & implement new planning policies, standards & visualisation systems that promote incorporation of smart building precepts into new developments and zones
Upper Franconia : VR & AR Data analytics
   Digital Innovation
Open Data
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS and UCS, BDOs like Into Seinäjoki; RIS3 thematic netwooks of Agrifood; High Tech Farming, Traceability and Big Data, Smart Sensors, Food Systems
Västernorrland : Development of open E-platform
Nièvre : Nevers Agglomération/Urban Area, Nièvre County Council
Open Innovation Test Beds
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk/ EDIH will develop to helpt to test before investing; IOT Compass Hub for manufacturing/SeAMK; Metaverse/SeAMK; Into, SeAMK/Food Lab
San Sebastián : Innovation, Talent, Urban transformation
Västernorrland : Improve the ability to innovate in public activities.
Digital Innovation Hubs
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seinäjoki UAS, business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki / Skaalaamo Start Up Hub Seinäjoki, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs, IOT Compass digital innovation hub
Ljubljana : Continue the development of 4PDIH
San Sebastián : PIA, ENERTIC, Talent House 2
Stimulate Digital Startups
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk, Into and other BDOs, municipalities, businesses
Industry 4.0
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seinäjoki UAS / Digital Factory, VET organisations of the region (Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs , cluster and ecosystem
Research Procurement
South Ostrobothnia : RCSO, municipalities, South Ostrobothnia Wellbeing Services County
Västernorrland : Utilization of research and proven knowledge in public business development.
University in Innovation
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk, UCS (together with BDOs ?)
Västernorrland : Utilization of research and proven knowledge in public business development.
Grow Existing ICT SME Cluster
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk and educational organisations of the region (VET Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
Transform Traditional SMEs
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk and educational organisations of the region (VET Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
Circular Economy
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seinäjoki UAS and VET organisations of the region (Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities, businesses - especially SMEs
Derry & Strabane : Work with businesses, community and social enterprise to create green jobs, increase skills and reduce waste.
Remote Working
South Ostrobothnia : Businesses and private organisations; UCS, Seamk and educational organisations of the region (VET Sedu), business development organisations e.g. Into Seinäjoki, RCSO, municipalities
Västernorrland : Develop the opportunities for skills supply to the public sector and SMEs in sparsely populated areas.
Innovation ecosystems
Nièvre : Nièvre County Council
Upper Franconia : Sponge region & Smart cities AI centres connect existing clusters
   Digital Transformation Technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS / Digital Factory, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health)
Ljubljana : Applicative use of AI in smart cities and smart villages - AI ethics research, new digital skills to broaden economic inclusivity (Mapping approaches, needs of regions, industry sectors, society), AI in health, education, public services,...
Västernorrland : Use AI technology to increase effective and quality in welfare technology and healthcare, case management process & public administration
Derry & Strabane : Capacity building / piloting to evaluate the implications of incorporating AI into public service development. Increase local AI/ML talent pool .
Nièvre : Nièvre County Council, Nevers Agglomération
Data Analytics
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Ljubljana : Data analytics for better desicion making. Also in the public sector: health, education, energy, environment, transportation...
Västernorrland : Basis for effective decision-making.
Nièvre :
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Västernorrland : As integration engines and automation of administration.
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk; companies (e.g. food sector)
Ljubljana : Applicative use of blockhain in smart cities and smart villages. Applicative use of blockhain in digital public services.
South Ostrobothnia : UCS, Seamk, Into and other BDOs, municipalities, services, businesses
Ljubljana : - Cybersecurity for the companies and municipalities - public services. - 5G private testbed infrastructure for experimentation, measurements, testing and verification of large-scale communications systems as well as services, security capabilities
Västernorrland : Improved data security
3D Printing
Virtual Reality (VR)
South Ostrobothnia : Seamk/Metaverse, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Västernorrland : Use of VR technology in, for example, medication and in learning environments for training.
Internet of Things (IoT)
South Ostrobothnia : Seinäjoki UAS / IOT Hub for manufacturing, UCS, Public organisations, services (e.g. health), companies
Derry & Strabane : Develop IoT pilots within open data initiative for areas such as energy, environment and tourism.
Västernorrland : Can be an interesting development in elderly care.
Nièvre : Nièvre County Council, Nevers Agglomération
Upper Franconia : Transfer & application Air pressure increase reports Apply sensor technology for energy usage
Core ERNACT regions
Newfoundland & Labrador
South Ostrobothnia
Upper Franconia
West Romania
Derry & Strabane
United Kingdom